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red worker

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Su red worker

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  1. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    cari amici ternani...l'hapoel vinceriamo 3:0 nel la prima partita contro juvenes di san marino. la prosima partita nel san marino e come una amiciavole. e possibile che 10-30 hapoel tifosi si arrivare in san marino per la partita...non di piu.
  2. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    All i can say in response to comrade "campodestenti" is FREE PALESTINE - PALESTINA LIBERA!!! we think the palestinians should have a country and we wish the occupation to end very soon.
  3. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Ponpon Dog - thank you very much. i know there is a good option we pass this stage in uefa cup... would you be the first ternana supporter in our forum? please register, amico mio. i am looking forward for a ternana calcio topic on our forum. we all respect you very very much. TERNI ULTRAS - va bene...non c'e problema amico mio. speriamo che ponpon dog scrivare nel nostro forum. grazie per la risponda di me amico.
  4. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    TERNI ULTRAS - per favore, Mi piacerebbe di registrare al nostro forum. fatemelo sapere come posso aiutarvi. desidero qualcuno di voi di aprire un nuovo argomento su Ternana! ho aspetato per lei. elad- scritto bene amico...essato il nome di elad. questo grande amico di me.
  5. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    thank you friend...believe me, it is not easy to fight racism in israel... would you come to the forum of ours and introduce ternana supporters and mentality?
  6. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    e molto vicino! hapoel tel aviv si gioca nel uefa cup contro juvens del san marino al 31.7...spero che molto hapoel tifosi si arrivare e visitare ternana tifosi anche
  7. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    amici - how close san marino is to you?
  8. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Thanks alot comrade. i hope to be seeing you soon writing in our forum. are you all living at italy or do you live in other countries in europe?
  9. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    it is not funny at all! most of us are against israeli occupation and we fight racism against arabs with all our power. just a month ago we did a big friendly day with arab supporters of sachnin which is a team of an arab city playing in the first league. we showed our solidarity with them and it was an excellent day. you can see a thread about this day with them in our forum as well. i am looking forward to see a ternana thread over there!
  10. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Hello friend! was not me, but it was a very close friend of mine from ultras hapoel. he told me so much good things about you in ternana. amazing supporters, amazing atmosphire. would you honor us and register to our forum? i would love to have a comrade from ternana along with our comrades from other antifa groups in our forum.
  11. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Grazie mille amici! qualcuno qui parli anche l'inglese ?
  12. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    grazie mille ma non ho capisco "pugliese stretto"...spero lei registrato per la nostro forum e scrivare insieme.
  13. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    va bene amico, lo capisco spero di altro utenti che parli l'inglese bene, registrato e scrivato nel nostro forum. grazie mille per la risponda de qui. AVANTI TERNANA!
  14. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Va bene amico mio ora, tu posso registrato e scrivato nel nostro forum di red workers?
  15. red worker

    Red Workers - Hapoel tel-aviv

    Grazie mille per la calorosa accoglienza nel vostro forum. Per favore, Vi invito a venire al nostro forum, e presentarsi agli altri compagni.

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