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The symbol is changed... Now it appears a parrot, and so alltogether we will sing beautiful-harbor


beau-ti-ful- harbor la la la la la la lala la la la la la la la la lala la la la la la lallala la lalla la la la!

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Yesterday night...

(Yesterday night...)


walking down the street

(walking down the street)


I saw a peruginian

(I saw a peruginian)


With a thousand lira in the hand

(With a thousand lira in the hand)


It rose to me a doubt

(It rose to me a doubt)


a strange doubt......




He has piggy mother....

He has piggy mother....

He has piggy mother....

He has piggy mother....

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The symbol is changed... Now it appears a parrot, and so alltogether we will sing beautiful-harbor


beau-ti-ful- harbor la la la la la la lala la la la la la la la la lala la la la la la lallala la lalla la la la!




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The symbol is changed... Now it appears a parrot, and so alltogether we will sing beautiful-harbor


beau-ti-ful- harbor la la la la la la lala la la la la la la la la lala la la la la la lallala la lalla la la la!






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Don't wanna be a perugino idiot.

I want a city into the Conca.

And can you really hear the sound of Armata Rossa?

The subliminal mindfuck perugia.


Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across Liberati

Everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of Gaucci.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.


Well maybe I'm the faggot perugia.

I'm not a part of a rabbit agenda.

Now everybody do the propaganda.

And sing along in the age of paranoia.


Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the Liberati.

Everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of Gaucci.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.


Don't wanna be a perugino idiot.

One city controlled by Gheddafi.

Information age of hysteria.

It's calling out to idiot perugino.


Welcome to a new kind of tension.

All across the Liberati.

Everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of Gaucci.

We're not the ones who're meant to follow.

For that's enough to argue.

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ravanè ravanè ravanelli boia c'hai the hats white men six son of one Troy


a perugino in cross urlava to high voice

or mother mother mother of who son son I

it mother answered to it raising the sottana

or perugino mine a six great son of whore


red white man is the color that hatred

the color that hatred more

excuse merda if I call you Perugia

but of merda us six only you


The wild boar is magical

and mazzola is fracico

The wild boar is magical

and mazzola is fracico

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and who don't jump is perugino ooooooooohhhhh oooooohhhh oooooh oh oh!!!


and who don't jump is peruginooo!!! ooooohhhh oooohhhh ooh oooohhh ohhooooohhhhh!!!!!

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