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Lu Cecco


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Antenucci is a normal player. You do not need him.


Last year he scored 19 goal but all of them where quite easy to score (seven were penalties...).


The amazing goal against Spezia was only a matter of luck.


Yes, for you guys is definitely better Adryan.



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He's getting old and most likely he won't adapt to the higher pace of the English game. Plus before last season he came from two disappointing years. Might as well leave Mirko to us and dodge this bullet. You'll find plenty of other better, cheaper strikers in England. :P

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He's getting old and most likely he won't adapt to the higher pace of the English game. Plus before last season he came from two disappointing years. Might as well leave Mirko to us and dodge this bullet. You'll find plenty of other better, cheaper strikers in England. :P

Your English is very well.

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Someone say that he has some weird business in Leeds.















Traduzione: Dice che c'ha da spizzicà su a Lizz...


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Modificato da il_gabibbo

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Dear friends of Leeds I think you to not need Antenucci... You can buy other our players, I thougth... Falletti, Ceravolo, etc, but not the captain!!!! Read the important message of Bufera, Lu Cecco and E Quillu je Deaaa and take there advice to heart!!!

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Annatevela a pijà n'derculo voi e l'iglese che io non capisco manco l'italiano..... :D

In realtà manco io! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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