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Tomas Milian

Il personaggio dei simpsons preferito


20 utenti hanno votato

  1. 1. Il personaggio dei simpsons preferito

    • Homer
    • Marge
    • Lisa
    • Bart
    • Maggie
    • Abe Simpson (il nonno)
    • Patty e Selma (le sorelle di marge)
    • Signor Burns (il padrone della centrale nucleare)
    • Winchester (il poliziotto)
    • Dr. Hibbert (il dottore nero)
    • Krusty il clown
    • Otto (l'autista del pulmino)
    • Skinner (il preside)
    • Lenny e Carl (colleghi di homer)
    • Barney (quello che rutta)
    • Ned Flanders (vicino religioso di homer)
    • Milhouse
    • Apu (quello del jet market)
    • il giardiniere Willy (quello che parla sardo)
    • Hans l'uomo talpa (quello nano co l'occhiali spessi)
    • Boe il barista
    • Lionel Hutz (l'avvocato scemo)
    • Il reverendo Lovejoy

Messaggi raccomandati

Homer è il mio preferito in assoluto. ma ci sono tantissimi personaggio di "contorno" di altissimo livello come lenny e karl, lionel hutz, winchestern, nick riviera, troy mc cloure! e poi come non citare il reverendo lovejoy con il suo accento siciliano.


sarebbe più semplice dire qual'è il personaggio che più non ti piace :)

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uhè funghetto.... ndo cazzo me lo lasci otto per Dio?????

Otto lu mejo in assoluto, seguita a rota da barney (che ho votato visto che m'ete censurato otto), poi homer e poi apu

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- Si timbra alle 10, si ritimbra alle 5, questo è il piano!


- Dehihohuh...loro non sanno che me la squaglio prima per andare alla fabbrica Duff...


- Bene, alla centrale!


- E poi alla fabbrica Duff...oh no...l'ho detto oppure l'ho solo pensato?! Devo inventarmi una bugia alla svelta!


- [Marge]: Papino, stai andando alla fabbrica Duff?


- Uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! (scappa via terrorizzato)


OK, non sarò originalissimo ma...c'è un personaggio dei Simpsons più grande di Homer? :lol:

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ti 6 dimenticato il mio preferito!!!! :angry:




L'autista dello Scuola Bus!!! :lol:




il migliore per me è Homer ma...troppo banale...

allora voto per Skinner o Burns...

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ovviamente ho votato lenny e carl anche se non piacciono allo stesso modo xkè OVVIAMENTE è carl (il nero con l'accento veneziano..ahahahha) il mio personaggio preferito :wub:

ogni volta che lo sento parlà me cappotto :rotfl:

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Aho qualcuno me ne so scambio qualcuno che ha 0 voti con OTTO...

cazzo! io ho già votato il signor Burns!!! :(:lol:

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Aho qualcuno me ne so scambio qualcuno che ha 0 voti con OTTO...

e p(disegno di orca) ma(disegno di donna).... io ho dovuto ripiegà su barney p(disegno di orco) d(disegno di persona che indica sè stessa)

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ho votato per Homer, ma solo perchè non avete messo il grande Roy (fantastica new entry ingiustamente cancellata dopo solo una puntata)

cmq il doppiaggio italiano è da paura (in senso buono eh)

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Ma ce sta uno che non è stato mensionato... è il ragazzo che appare in molte puntate, con le lentiggini, che o fa l'inserviente oppure come in una puntata sta alla frontiera, quando arriva Homer in auto gli chiede "Avete frutta o ortaggi da dichiarare?" e Homer: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH", scappa e se vede la macchina che fugge via e dal portabagagli escono fori frutta e ortaggi :lol::lol::lol:

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Non c'è nessuo che preferisce CLEYTUS il bifolco o L'UOMO DEI FUMETTI? :angry: :angry: :angry:  :lol:

l'Uomo dei fumetti è unico....




pure l'Uomo radioattivo........














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e me so scordato quello senza braccio che c'ha il giacchetto con il bottone che ripiega la manica che vende le armi... o è CLEYTUS? :o

no, non è cletus


io ricordo, per i piu' distratti, anche


(nuovo governatore della california)

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cmq ho trovato la lista completa (e' in inglese... se qualcuno c'ha voja de tradulla, lo facesse e la postasse)



Former babysitter of Bart Simpson who had a breakdown.


A waiter at the Happy Sumo restaurant (where Homer was almost poisoned). Taught Bart karate at the Springfield Martial Arts Academy.

Al (Uncle)

Barney Gumble's uncle. Owner of Barney's Bowl-a-Rama.

Alger, Langdon

Very quiet calssmate of Lisa and briefly her crush.

Amadopolis, Aristople (Mr)

Rich owner of the Shelbyville Nuclear Power Plant. From Greece. Burns' rival.

Apollo, "Smooth" Jimmy (Mr)

Pro football commentator and statatician on TV. He always gives a tip on his winner, but thinks that the gamblers are stupid. Constantly smokes a cigar.

Arnold, Bob (Congressman)

Former congressman for the state in which Springfield is situated. Arrested in a sting operation for accepting a bribe to allow oil drilling in Roosevelt's head on Mount Rushmore.


Uncle of the Simpsons family. It took 75 US Marshalls to bring him down.

Atkins (State Comptroller)

Superior of Superintendent Charmers

Babysitter Receptionist

Receptionist at the Rubber Baby Buggy Bumper Babysitting Service. Dislikes the Simpsons.

Ballet Teacher

Russian female ballet teacher at Springfield Elementary. Wants male students to emulate the great Baryshnikov.

Banner, Rex (Mr)

Washington cop sent to Springfield during prohibition to catch the "Beer Baron" aka Homer Simpson.

Barlow, Birch (Mr)

Conservative radio talk show host. Wrote "Only Turkeys Have Left Wings". Known to be a member of the inner circle of Springfield's Republican Party who elected Bob Terwilliger to be mayor.


One of Lisa's classmates.

Barney Gumble (Mr)

See Gumble, Barney.

Bee-suit man

Wears a bee suit on a TV comedy show. Speaks in Spanish mostly, but has a well educated English voice when standing in for Kent Brockman. Starred in Burns' film "A Burns for All Seasons" which was directed by Mexican Steven Spielbergo. Member of the Channel 6 bowling league team.


Manageress of the burlesque salon, Maison Derriere.


Physics student at Spingfield University. Dorm roommate with Gary and Doug. Wears a calculator on his hip.

Bergstrom (Mr)

Substitute teacher who taught Lisa that life is worth living.


KBBL 102.5 radio show co-host with Marty. Almost replaced by the DJ 3000. Offered $10 000 or an elephant as phone in prize, but unfortunately Bart chose the elephant.


Springfield's 3-eyed fish.


RV salesman at Bob's RV Roundup (although he doesn't own the place - "long story").

Bobbins, Shary (Miss)

British singing nanny who tried to help the Simpsons. Killed when she flew into a plane with her magical umbrella.


The main bodyguard of "Diamond" Joe Quimby. Has a chiselled jaw, crew cut, dark suit and shades.

Borton, Wendell

Pupil at Springfield Elementary School known for constantly being queasy, especially on bus trips. Is in Bart's class. Plays clarinet in the orchestra.

Botzcowski, Lucille (Ms)

Aka "The Babysitter bandit" and Ms Botz. Steals from people while babysitting. Foiled by Bart and Lisa, but released by Homer Simpson. Seen at the Calmwood Mental Hospital.

Bouvier (Mr)

Marge Simpson's father. Died in an unfortunate rollercoaster accident. Was one of the first male airline stewards.

Bouvier, Jacqueline (Mrs)

Marge Simpson's mother. Almost married Mr Burns and Grampa Simpson.

Bouvier, Patty (Miss)

Marge Simpson's elder sister. A twin with Selma. Works at a driving school. Loves the TV programme "MacGyver" and hates Homer. Almost married Skinner.

Bouvier, Selma (Miss)

Marge Simpson's elder sister. A twin with Patty. Has a parting in the middle of her hair. Works at a driving school. Loves the TV programme "MacGyver". Briefly married to Bob Terwilliger, but divorced when he tried to kill her. Then married Troy McClure briefly. Owns a pet iguana called Jub-Jub. Hates Homer, but also envies the way he can look after children.

Brockman, Kent (Mr)

The main presenter on "Springfield Action News", "Eye on Springfield", "Bite Back" and "Smartline". Used to be known as Kenny Brockelstein. Refuses to work if he has not had his daily Danish pastry. A Springfield Lottery jackpot winner. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Member of the Channel 6 bowling league team.

Brockman, (Miss)

Kent's daughter. Has blond hair in a pony tail. One of the very few who bought Lisa's Lionheart doll.

Brodka, Don (Mr)

Former US Marine and currently the store detective at Try-N-Save. Caught Bart shoplifting.

Brunswick, Jacques (Mr)

Bowling pro who wanted an affair with Marge Simpson. Part of the Homewreckers bowling league team. Often seen at major Springfield events.

Burns, Charles Montgomery (Mr)

The owner of the Springfield nuclear power plant and one of Springfield's rich men. Hates his rival nuclear power plant owners (especially Shelbyville's Greek millionaire, Aristotle Amadopolis). Sold out to the Germans, only to buy back after a few days. Ran over Bart once, but at another time, took him to be his heir. Burns has rare blood (double 0 negative) and when he was diagnosed as having hypohemia, he received blood from Bart. Owned a casino when gambling was legalised. Loved his bear Bobo. Was almost killed by his loyal servant Smithers. Known to be a member of the inner circle of Springfield's Republican Party who elected Bob Terwilliger to be mayor. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters (number 29). His family were poor and at an early age Burns had to choose between their love and a millionaire - he left straight away! Replaced Otto as the fourth member of the Pin Pals bowling league team after he found out that he was paying for it. Was a private in the Flying Hellfish squad in the Second World War.

Burns, Larry (Mr)

Son of Springfield millionaire Mr Burns and the 21 year old daughter of a college sweatheart. Is a fat oaf. Got on well with Homer. Lives in Waynesport.

Capital City Goofball

Mascot for the Capital City baseball team. Nickname is "The Goof". Idol of Homer Simpson


One of Homer's friends at the power plant and he also drinks at Moe's Tavern. He is the Power Plant Union leader. He is Afro-American. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters (number 14).

Carlson, Carl (Mr)

See Carl.

Chalmers, (Superintendent)

Superintendent of school inspectors. Does not like Principal Skinner, but occassionally takes Agnes Skinner out. Often followed about by Assistant Superintendent Leopold. He gets upset when people (especially Flanders) upstage him infront of children.


Homer's co-worker at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant as a dangerous emissions supervisor. Has ruffled light brown hair. Replaced by Mindy Simmons. Once sent to a foreign land where he was forced to dance for the locals. Also believes that the plant should have real fire exits.

Chase (Mr) aka Pyro

American gladiator and new love of Louanne van Houten.

Christian, Scott (Mr)

TV news reporter and sometimes in the studio. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters.


See Delroy, Cletus.

Colossus (Dr)

Turquoise, Germanic supervillian notorious for his Colosso-boots. Once married to Stacy Lovell.

Comic Book Guy

Owns a collectables shop (The Android's Dungeon). Very fat as he is always eating hot dogs. Star Trak fan. Sold Bart, Milhouse and Martin, Radioactiveman #1.


School kid in Barts year who is of Chinese origin. Is a founding member of the SuperFriends group Bart joined after discovering the comet. The other members are Database, Ham, E-Mail, Report Card and Lisa.

Crazy Old Man

Resident of the Springfield Retirement Castle.

Da Mico, Anthony (Mr)

See Fat Tony.


School kid in Barts year. Is a founding member of the SuperFriends group Bart joined after discovering the comet. The other members are Ham, E-Mail, Cosine, Report Card and Lisa. Was part of Bart's plan to return Springfield's lemon tree from Shelbyville.

Delroy, Brandine (Mrs)

Cletus' woman. Works in topless dancing. Has a very large number of children.

Delroy, Cletus (Mr)

The slack-jawed yokel. Member of the Stereotypes bowling league team. Married to Brandine. Has a very large number of children (Brittany, Caitlin, Cassidy, Chloe, Cody, Dermot, Dylan, Heather, Hunter, Ian, Jordan, Kendell, Kyra, Lauren, Max, Morgan, Noah, Phil, Q-Bert, Rumer, Sascha, Scout, Taylor, Tiffany, Wesley, Zoe). Occasionally works on building projects run by Cecil Terwilliger.

Dempsey, Amber (Miss)

Professional beauty queen. Has curly blond hair and fake eyelashes. Was beaten to Little Miss Springfield by Lisa Simpsons.

Disco Stu

1970s retro nerd who refers to himself in the third person.


Hangs around with Jimbo and Kearney and is one of the worst kids in Springfield. Has side parted, brown hair. Helped in the running of Kamp Krusty. Was a member of the Mighty Pigs pee-wee hockey team.

Dondelinger (Principal)

Former principal at Springfield Elementary. Found out Homer had not passed his science exam and therefore never graduated.

Doris, Lunchlady (Ms)

Chief food-server in Sringfield Elementary's cafeteria. Tries to give the children a good meal, even with the small budget (so the food often includes horse testicals). Also been seen as the school nurse (she "gets two pay checks this way").


Physics student at Spingfield University. Dorm roommate with Gary and Benjamin. He's overweight and wears glasses. Likes using the internet to find out things such as who will play Radioactive Man in the new film and which Star Trek captain was the best.

Dr Colossus

See Colossus (Dr).


Walking advert for Duff Breweries. He makes an appearance in the Duff Partymobile if you send in 10 000 Duff labels. Is always followed around by two Duff cheerleaders.


See Furious D.


School kid in Barts year who wears glasses and has ginger hair. Is a founding member of the SuperFriends group Bart joined after discovering the comet. The other members are Database, Ham, Cosine, Report Card and Lisa.


One of the main beat cops of Springfield. On duty with Lou. Features in the TV show "Bad Cops". Member of the Police bowling league team.

El Barto

Grafitti vandal (but actually Bart's alias). A police artist drew him as in his late-twenties, stubbly, mean-looking, but strangely similar to Bart.


Youth who takes summer vacations with her family at Little Pwagmattasquarmsettport. Likes to chill and watch Baywatch.

Fallout Boy

Young side kick to superhero Radioactive Man. Obtained his powers when he was zapped by an x-ray machine during a road accident. Was played by Milhouse in the 1990s film version.

Fat Tony

Springfield's mobster. Works for Greater Springfield Mafia head Don Vittorio. Legs, Louie and Joey work for him. Gave a job to Bart as a barman at the Legitimate Businessman's Social Club. Has a rivalry with Cheif Wiggum.

Fisk, Eugene (Mr)

Homer's assistant at the power plant, who was promoted to Homer's supervisor.

Fission, Smilin' Joe

See Smilin' Joe Fission

Flanders, Maude (Mrs)

Married to Ned. The Simpsons' next door neighbour. Has a strong belief in God. Member of the Holy Rollers bowling league team.

Flanders, Ned (Mr)

Married to Maude (and has a more feminine scream than her). Is the son of two beatnik French-American surrealist artists. Was very destructive as a child, but learnt to contain it at the Calmwood Mental Hospital. The Simpsons' friendly next door neighbour. Has a strong belief in God. Owns a Left-Handed Shop in the mall called the "Leftorium" and earns only $27 a week more than Homer (but makes far better use of his credit). He runs the Junior Campers group. He saved Homer's life when a fire started in the Simpson's house. After finding out the Simpsons children were never baptised, he tried to do it himself. Member of the Holy Rollers bowling league team.

Flanders, Rod

The Flanders' oldest child. Has a strong belief in God.

Flanders, Todd

The Flanders' youngest child. Has a strong belief in God. Wanted to be Bart's friend when the Simpsons first moved to the neighbourhood. Was part of Bart's plan to return Springfield's lemon tree from Shelbyville. Played against Bart in a miniature golf tournament.

Fortune, Arthur (Mr)

Billionaire owner of the Fortune Megastore chain.

Foster (Dr)

Psychiatrist at Calmwood Mental Hospital who twice cured Ned Flanders of his behavior problems.

Freshemeyer, "Pops" (Mr)

Elderly worker at the Spinrgfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Frink, John (Prof)

Thinks up weird inventions (a small plane for children and the rocket bike are two examples). Thin, wears glasses and a bow tie. Adds funny sound effects into his speech. Has worked for a wide range of people. Turned into a suave charmer after drinking Grampa's Revitalising Tonic.

Furious D

Racehorse with a bad attitude owned by the Simpsons and ridden by Bart.


Physics student at Spingfield University. Dorm roommate with Benjamin and Doug. Is an Anfro-American. Wears glasses.


Celtus' unfortunate smellhound.


One eye-browed baby and nemesis of Maggie.

Gil (Mr)

Hapless salesman who has been employed at various establishments including Senor Ding-Dong's Doorbell Fiesta, as a used car salesman, as a realtor for Red Blazer Reality and as a Coleco computer salesman.

Glick (Mrs)

Old woman who lives near the Simpsons. Bart worked for her to try and earn enough money for the Radioactiveman comic #1.

Grant, Ashley (Miss)

Graduate student and feminist who accused Homer Simpson of sexual harassment.

Grimes, Frank "Grimey" (Mr)

Worker at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. Hard-working and determined as he had to overcome a lot of problems (such as being blown up on his 18th birthday). Dislikes Homer because he is lazy, but still has a better home and family. Killed by eletrocution while impersonating Homer, in a fit of rage.


Worker at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant who couldn't believe it when Burns mixed up his sons Ronando and Rolando.

Gumble, Barney (Mr)

Homer's friend outside the power plant. Belches all the time, especially when drinking at Moe's Tavern. A member of the volunteer fire brigade. Once a member of the barbershop quartet, the "Be Sharps". Was the Plow King during one bad winter, and won the key to the city from Homer. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Almost beat Homer, when they both tried to become the first average American in space, but lost after getting drunk on nonalcoholic champagne.

Hagstrom, Janey (Miss)

Lisa's classmate and arguably best friend. Is afro-american.


School kid in Barts year who wears glasses and has almost no hair. Is a founding member of the SuperFriends group Bart joined after discovering the comet. The other members are Database, E-Mail, Cosine, Report Card and Lisa.

Hapablap, Leslie "Hap" (Colonel)

Colonel of the US Air Force Base in Springfield.


Owner of "Herman's Military Antiques". He only has one arm. Helped Bart, and everyone else, defeat the bully Nelson Muntz. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Once ran a counterfeit jeans operation out of Homer's garage with criminal Jericho.

Hibbert, Bernice (Mrs)

Married to Dr Hibbert. Always wears jackets with huge shoulder pads.

Hibbert, Julius (Dr)

The Simpsons' doctor and main doctor of Springfield. Loves making jokes at his patients expense. Known to be a member of the inner circle of Springfield's Republican Party who elected Bob Terwilliger to be mayor. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Possibly Bleeding Gums Murphy's older brother.

Hoover, Elizabeth(Mrs)

Lisa's teacher. She wears glasses. Friend's with Mrs Krabappel.

Hoxha, Adil

Albania exchange student who stayed with the Simpsons. Deported when it emerged he was actually spying at the nuclear power plant. Codename "Sparrow".

Hurlburt, Hollis (Mr)

Curator at the Springfield Historical Society. Has "Jebeditis"! Tried to hide the fact that Jebediah was a pirate.

Hutz, Lionel (Mr)

The Simpsons' solicitor and an attorney at law. Lies, cheats and bribes juries and witnesses and once repeatedly ran over Judge Snyder's son. In jail a lot himself, so knows the ropes in a court. Gives away smoking monkey statues.


The mouse in the cartoon "Itchy and Scratchy", shown in Krusty's show. Always wins.


See Janey Hagstrom.


One of the OAPs' home members. Friend of Grampa Simpson. He has a long, flat-ended, white beard. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Known to carry offensive weapons in his beard. His left leg is wooden.


Criminal of a counterfiet jeans ring. Associated with Herman and worked briefly out of Homer Simpson's garage.

Jimbo Jones

See Jones, Corky (Jimbo)

Jimmy (the Scumbag)

Small time theif who was finally jailed after a telemarketing scam.


One of Fat Tony's mobsters.


Owner of Cockamamie's Collectible Store. Gay and has a small moustache.

Johnny "Tightlips"

One of Fat Tony's associates. Never divulges anything, even trivial stuff to his friends.

Jones, Corky (Jimbo)

Worst kid Springfield Elementary and in the 6th grade. Hangs around with Kearney and Dolph. Black shirt. Helped in the running of Kamp Krusty. Dated Laura Powers at the same time Bart liked her. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team.


Selma's pet iguana. Given to her by Aunt Gladys.


He is one of the aliens (the other two being Kodos, his sister, and Serak) who frequent the Treehouse of Horror episodes. They are large, green, one-eyed, octopus-like creatures who dribble a lot. They always try to take over the Earth, but are often folied by the Simpsons or Flanders'. Became a bioduplication of Bob Dole to try to be elected as US president.


Briefly Homer's selfless personal assistant at the power plant, until he was fired taking the balme for Homer's bogus insurance claim.

Kashmir, Princess

See Shawna Tifton.


He is in the 6th grade, although he is actually an adult (he drives and has a son). He hangs around with Jimbo and Dolph and is one of the worst kids in Springfield. Skinhead. Helped in the running of Kamp Krusty. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team.


She is one of the aliens (the other two being Kang, her brother, and Serak) who frequent the Treehouse of Horror episodes. They are large, green, one-eyed, octopus-like creatures who dribble a lot. They always try to take over the Earth, but are often folied by the Simpsons or Flanders'. Became a bioduplication of Bill Clinton to try to be elected as US president.

Kogen, Wally (Mr)

Too trusting travel agent who knows Dolly Parton. Takes Homer and the boys to the SuperBowl.

Krabappel, Edna (Miss)

Bart's teacher. Bart calls her "Mrs K". Divorced and looking for someone new. Been seen with various men including the Happy Sumo's head chef.

Krustofski, Herschel Schmoikel(Mr)

See Krusty the Clown

Krustofski, Hyman (Rabbi)

Jewish Rabbi and father of Krusty the Clown. He did not speak to his son for 20 years until Lisa and Bart brought them back together.

Krusty the Clown

Television superstar. He's Jewish (Real name is Herschel Krustofski). Started out in clubs, but when his father found out, moved to Tupelo, Mississippi to be a street mime artist. Also a member of the volunteer fire brigade. He is a chain smoker and/or uses nicotine patches. Hates his audiences. Has been a down-and-out on several occasions. Lends his name to several bad products and places, including the infamous "Kamp Krusty". Saved from jail by Bart when Sideshow Bob tried to frame him. Hired Bart as his aid, just before Bart became the "I Didn't Do it Boy". Found his father with the help of the same boy and his sister, Lisa. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Member of the Channel 6 bowling league team. Faked his own death after his tax fraud was found out.

Lampwick, Chester J (Mr)

Inventor of cartoon mouse Itchy. Bart and Lisa helped him to win a court case against the Roger Meyers Jr.


Briefly Bart's well intelligent and behaved dog bought with a fake credit card.

Lanley, Lyle (Mr)

Conman who sold shoddy monorails to towns with spare cash. Jailed after Marge Simpson foiled his plan.

Largo, Dewey (Mr)

Springfield Elementary's music teacher. Had a hard chose between the saxophone players Lisa Simpson and Allison Taylor for his principle musician. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters.

Larsen, (Cadet)

Cadet at the Rommelwood Military Academy which Bart and Lisa attended.

Larson, Jack (Mr)

Laramie cigarette spokesman who is on all of the commercials.

Lawyer, The

Head of Mr Burn's lawyers. He wears glasses and is very hard to beat. Known to be a member of the inner circle of Springfield's Republican Party who elected Bob Terwilliger to be mayor.


One of Fat Tony's mobsters. Usually drunk. Has a short brown pony tail.


One of Homer's workmates at the power plant and also drinks at Moe's Tavern. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters (number 12). Seems to have an unhealthy obsession with Carl, his best friend.

Leopold, (Asst. Superintendent)

Hates kids, which is bad in his job as he is a school superintendent. Works with Superintendent Charmers. Looks very intimidating and has fierce eyebrows. Does not like Principal Skinner. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters.


School friend of Bart. Was a member of the Mighty Pigs pee-wee hockey team.

Lombardo (Professor)

Art Professor at Springfield Community College.


One of the main beat cops of Springfield. Is an Afro-American. On duty with Eddie. Features in the TV show "Bad Cops". Member of the Police bowling league team. Apparently hung like a horse.


One of Fat Tony's mobsters. Has curly black hair. Can never decide whether to kill "gangland-style" or "execution-style".

Lovejoy, Helen (Mrs)

The gossipy wife of the local reverend. Mother of Jessica. Member of the Holy Rollers bowling league team.

Lovejoy, Jessica (Miss)

Attractive young daughter of Reverend Lovejoy. Expelled from her bording school. Went out with Bart, but got him into trouble.

Lovejoy, Timothy (Reverend)

The Reverend of the Simpsons' local church - First Church of Springfield. Father of Jessica. Also a member of the volunteer fire brigade. Has a very, very boring voice. Obviously gets tired of an over-religious Ned Flanders. Member of the Holy Rollers bowling league team.

Lovell, Stacy (Miss)

Inventor of the Malibu Stacy dolls. After being forced to sell the business (when found to be funnelling funds to the Viet Cong) she became a recluse. Lives as her doll would. Married five times, to Ken, Johnny, Joe, Dr Colossus and Steve Austin. Helped Lisa Simpson produce the rival Lisa Lionheart doll.


Italian chef who owns Luigi's Restaurant. He always calls his customers names when their backs are turned. Member of the Stereotypes bowling league team.

Lumpkin, Lurleen (Miss)

Country singer and barmaid. Once managed by Homer Simpson but is now doing badly.

Malibu Stacy

Springfield's equivalent of the Barbie dolls. Invented by Stacy Lovell. Comes in many guises (such as Crackpot Stacy) and has many accessories. Waylon Smithers has the world's largest collection of Malibu Stacy.


The Springfield Cat Burgler (est. 1957). Former resident of the Springfield Retirement Castle. Jailed after being identified by Abe Simpson and caught by Homer.

Mann, Otto (Mr) AKA "Automan"

The school bus driver. Loves to play the guitar. Bart helped him get his job back when he was fired. Friends with Snake. Member of the Pin Pals bowling league team until Mr Burns replaced him. After Mr Burns left the team, he rejoined.


KBBL 102.5 radio show co-host with Bill. Almost replaced by the DJ 3000. Offered $10 000 or an elephant as phone in prize, but unfortunately Bart chose the elephant.


Action hero in the film series. See Ranier Wolfcastle

McCallister, Horatio (Captain)

Looks like an old sailor captain with a peg-leg and the usual "ha-harr" / "jim-lad" / "shiver-my-timbers" sort of voice, but is not actually a real captain. Owns the "Frying Dutchman" restaurant. Gave Homer a job as a "Bottomless Pete: Nature's Cruelest Mistake" in his shop window after a dispute about All You Can Eat restaurants. Has made several sea shanty albums. Member of the Stereotypes bowling league team.

McClure, Troy

Film star, TV advert personality and presenter of "I Can't Believe They Invented It", where he works with Dr Nick Riviera. Always says "you may remember me from films such as..." Starred in the hit stage musical "Planet of the Apes" as the human. Married Selma Bouvier in an attempt to make people forget about his fish fetish.


Cletus' cousin and slack-jawed construction worker

Meyers Jr, Roger (Mr)

Chairman of "Itchy and Scratchy International". Hired Grampa Simpson as a writer, when really it was Bart and Lisa Simpson who were coming up with the stories.

Meyers Sr, Roger (Mr)

Founder of "Itchy and Scratchy International".

Mister Teeny

Krusty the Clown's acting chimp. Smokes as much as Krusty.

Mitchell (Mr)

Blind resident of Springfield who takes drugs (saying there for his blindness).


See Szyslak, Moe (Mr).

Moleman, Hans (Mr)

Used a driver's license under the name of Ralph Mellish. A mole like old man who wears glasses. Drives a Pinto. Homer briefly kept him as a son. He also briefly dated Selma when she was looking for love. Was almost executed in Springfield prison without trial, by the corrupt cops.

Monroe, Marvin (Dr)

The TV 'family happiness' doctor. Tried to help the Simpsons, but eventually refunded their money as he did not succeed. He gave his name to Springfield's "Marvin Munroe Memorial Hospital", but may not be dead.

Mr Plow

Leading snow plow man until the Plow King came onto the scene. Was given the key to Springfield. See Homer Simpson.


Old hippie who works at the Groovy Grove Natural Farm along with Seth. Used to be in the same commune as Mother Simpson.

Muntz, Nelson

He bullied Bart for a while but then became his friend, after everyone ganged up on him and his "weasels". He laughs in a funny way. He is in Bart's class. Was part of Bart's plan to return Springfield's lemon tree from Shelbyville. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team.

Murdock, Lance (Captain)

Springfield's resident daredevil, who has broken every bone in his body (even the little ones in his ears).

Murphy, Bleeding Gums (Mr)

A saxophone player. Lisa's idol. Possibly Dr Hibbert's younger brother. Died in hospital.

Naegle, Lindsey (Ms)

Buxom owner of Advanced Capital Ventures and member of the Springfield chapter of Mensa.

Nahasapeemapetilon, Apu (Mr)

Owner of the Kwik-e-Mart shop in Springfield. He is a Hindu. Married to Manjula. Always says "Thank you. Come again." Once a member of the barbershop quartet, the "Be Sharps". Also a member of the volunteer fire brigade. Accidentally sold Homer bad food. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Ran the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team. Member of the Pin Pals bowling league team.

Nahasapeemapetilon, Jamshed

Rifle totting little son of Sanjay.

Nahasapeemapetilon, Manjula (Mrs)

Apu's beautiful wife who comes from his old village in India. The marriage was arranged when they were children, but Apu left to go to university in America. Years later, she followed Apu to America so that they could get married.

Nahasapeemapetilon, Pahusacheta

Daughter of Sanjay.

Nahasapeemapetilon, Sanjay (Mr)

Apu's brother, who helps keep the Kwik-E-Mart open 24/7.

Nigel (Mr)

Ponytailed, British manager of the chart topping "Be Sharps" barbershop quartet which included Homer Simpson, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Seymore Skinner and Barney Gumble.

Number One

Mysterious leader of the Stonecutters. Dispanded the Stonecutters after it was discovered Homer Simpson was the Chosen One. Likes getting drunk and playing ping pong.

Ormand, Frank (Mr)

Founder of the "Pretzel Wagon" franchise. Killed in a car accident.

Patterson, Ray (Mr)

Former sanitation commissioner in Springfield. Replaced by Homer.

Peters, Evelyn

Socialite at the Springfield Country Club. Was in Marge's year at Springfield High School.

Peterson, Bobby (Dean)

Dean of Springfield University.

Pie (in the Sky), Arnie (Mr)

The helicopter traffic reporter on Kent Brockman's "Eye on Springfield" and news programmes. Crashed in his helicopter several times causing the blockages his reports. Member of the Channel 6 bowling league team.

Platt, (Cadet)

Cadet at the Rommelwood Military Academy which Bart and Lisa attended.

Plow King

After shooting out Mr Plow's tyres, became the #1 snow plow in town. See Barney Gumble.

Powell (Simpson), Herbert (Mr)

Homer's lost half brother who looks just like him. The product of Grampa Simpson and a prostitute. Put in an orphanage, then fostered. Rich, first with the Powell motor company and then with his invention, the baby translator.

Powell, Janey

One of Bart's classmates. Has long, brown, curly hair.

Powers, Laura

Daughter of Ruth Powers. Dated Jimbo Jones at the time when Bart had a crush on her.

Powers, Ruth

Single mother and once friend of Marge, until they both got caught by the police for dangerous driving (in a stolen car). Bart fell in love with her daughter, Laura.

Prince, (Mr)

Father of Springfield Elementary's Martin Prince. Always smartly dressed. Works at the Springfield stock market.

Prince, Martin

The clever kid in Bart's class, who is also class president. He is the butt of everyones jokes. Was briefly in joint ownership of the first ever Radioactive Man comic. Was part of Bart's plan to return Springfield's lemon tree from Shelbyville.

Princess Kashmir

See Shawna Tifton

Pryor, J Loren (Dr)

School district psychologist. Was first to recognise Lisa's gifts. Later thought Bart was a genius.

Pummelhorse (Mrs)

Gym teacher at Springfield Elementary.


American gladiator. See Chase


One of the Seven Duffs.

Quimby, Freddy (Mr)

18 year old playboy nephew to Mayor Quimby. Didn't graduate from high school. Cleared of assult by Bart Simpson's eye witness statement.

Quimby, 'Diamond' Joe (Mr)

Mayor of Springfield. Has a boring voice. Likes certain playing cards, and staying in hotel rooms with young attractive females. Does not like Chief Wiggum, but occasionally bribes him. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters.

Quimby, (Mrs)

Sash wearing wife of Mayor Quimby. Disapproves of her husband, especially his widely known womanising. They met while she was working in the Maison Derriere.

Radioactive Man

A comic strip hero, friend of Fallout Boy, and Bart's idol. Has the catchphrase "Up and Atom!". Played by Dirk Richter in the 1970s films and Ranier Wolfcastle in the 1990s.


One of the Seven Duffs.

Report Card

School kid in Barts year who is of Indian origin. Is a founding member of the SuperFriends group Bart joined after discovering the comet. The other members are Database, Ham, E-Mail, Cosine and Lisa.


Classmate of Lisa. Thinks he is a great actor.


One of Bart's best friends at school. Has a large grey quiff.

Riviera, Nick (Dr)

The inventor that appears on the show "I can't believe they invented it" with actor Troy McClure. Helps Lionel Hutz make "medical" decisions. He carried out Homer's triple bypass operation, with Lisa's help.


Manager of the gay steel mill in Springfield.


Sarcastic salesman who has been employed at various shops including Bloodbath and Beyond Gun Shop and the gadget shop. Even manages to be sarcastic to the Comic Book Guy.


Drinks at Moe's Tavern with Homer, Carl and Lenny. Wears cap and glasses.

Santa's Little Helper

The Simpsons' dog. Was rescued by Homer from a greyhound circuit at Christmas (where he was dog #8) and was given to the family as a present. Only just passed a dog training course. Ripped up the first ever Radioactive Man comic, Homer's expensive 'Assassin' trainers and the Simpsons' family blanket. After running away from home, was caught by Mr Burns and trained as a killer guard dog. Found a mate (She's the Fastest) and had 25 puppies.

Scorpio, Hank (Mr)

President of Globex Corporation and evil mastermind. Arch nemesis of James Bont. Gets the best out of his workers, even Homer Simpson.


The cat in the cartoon "Itchy and Scratchy", shown in Krusty's show. Always loses.

Serak (the Preparer)

He is one of the aliens (the other two being Kodos and Kang) who frequent the Treehouse of Horror episodes. They are large, green, one-eyed, octopus-like creatures who dribble a lot. He is the spaceship's chef and prone to crying when people accuse him of cooking humans.


Old hippie who works at the Groovy Grove Natural Farm along with Munchie. Used to be in the same commune as Mother Simpson.

Seven Duffs, The

The walking Duff bottles that frequent the Duff Gardens leisure park. They include Tipsy, Surly, Sleazy, Queasy and Remorseful.


One of Bart's classmates. Twin with Terri. Father works at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

She's the Fastest

Was briefly a pet of the Simpsons and was mate of Santa's Little Helper. Mother of 25 puppies.

Sideshow Bob

See Terwilliger, Robert

Sideshow Mel

See van Horne, Melvin

Simmons, Beatrice "Bea" (Miss)

Retiree at the Springfield Retirement Castle. Fell in love with Abe Simpson and left him all of her money when she died.

Simmons, Mindy (Miss)

Engineer at the Springfield Power Plant. Fell in love with Homer. Looks and sounds like Michelle Pfeiffer, although with the same preferences as Homer.

Simpson, Abraham J (Mr)

Homer's father. Lives in an old people home. Friends with Jasper. Known as Grampa. Bart and Lisa used him as a front to their "Itchy and Scratchy" scripts. Fell in love with Bea Simmons who left him all her money when she died. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Resold the "Simpson & Son's Patented Revitalising Tonic" which his great-grandfather had invented. Was the Seargeant of the Flying Hellfish squad in the Second World War.

Simpson, Bartholomew J

Oldest child of the Simpsons. In 4th grade. A tear-away and none-to-bright. Always getting into trouble at school and at home. Also known as El Barto. Principal Skinner's main trouble, but once his friend. Friends with Milhouse and Lewis. At different times had crushes on Laura Powers and Jessica Lovejoy. Makes prank phone calls to Moe's Tavern. Idolises Radioactive Man and was briefly in joint ownership of the first ever Radioactive Man comic. Auditioned to play Fallout Boy in the film version but wasn't tall enough. Stole Jebediah Springfield's statue's head. Led a rebellion at Kamp Krusty. Became the "I Didn't Do It Boy" while working at Krustylu Studios for Krusty. Helped clear Krusty of theft. Foiled Sideshow Bob's evil plans four times. Worked at Fat Tony's mobster hangout as a barman. Deceived the town that a boy named Timmy o'Toole was stuck down a well. Forced to make anti-freeze laced wine when on an exchange trip to France. Became a daredevil and tried to jump Springfield Gorge. Saved Mr Burns by donating his rare blood (double 0 negative) and in a separate incident, briefly became the Burns' heir. Hatched a plan to return Springfield's lemon tree after Shelbyville kids stole it. Was a member of the Mighty Pigs pee-wee hockey team.

Simpson, Homer Jay (Mr)

The father of the Simpson household and a worker at the Springfield nuclear plant. Loves donuts and steak. Once a member of the barbershop quartet, the "Be Sharps". Was the leader of the vigilante group that caught Malloy. Was mistaken for Bigfoot when on a camping trip. Became Mr Plow one long winter and won the key to the town, only to have it won from him by Barney Gumble. Was advertised as "Bottomless Pete: Nature's Cruelest Mistake", in Captain McCallister's restaurant window. Was accused of sexual harrasment of a babysitter (Ashley Grant), but was innocent. Finally managed to become a member (908) of the Stonecutters when he found his dad was, and was then descovered to be the Chosen One. Member of the Pin Pals bowling league team. Almost had an affair with power plant temptress Mindy Simmons. Says a lot of stupid things (Homerisms).

Simpson, Lisa Marie

Second child of the Simpsons. In 2nd grade. Very clever. Won a regional Reading Digest essay competition. Loves to play the saxophone and idolises Bleeding Gums Murphy. Always wanted a pony. Once the "Little Miss Springfield". Helped to save the snakes from Whacking Day. Desired by Ralph Wiggum. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team. Has crushes on several actors called Corey. Once tried to find the sweet boy inside Nelson Muntz. Produced Lisa Lionheart, a rival doll to Malibu Stacy, with the help of Stacy Lovell.

Simpson, Maggie

Youngest of the Simpsons' children. Always sucks a dummy. Led a rebellion at the Ayn Rand School for Tots. Hit Homer over the head after wathcing "Itchy and Scratchy" cartoons. Gave Mr Burns his bear Bobo back and at a different time, shot him accidentally after he stole her lolly.

Simpson, Marge (nee Bouvier)

The mother of the Simpson household. Uses hair dye #56. Got a leading role in the musical 'Oh Streetcar'. Almost had an affair with bowling pro Jacques. Organised a boycott of the 'Itchy and Scratchy' cartoon. Developed a gambling addiction. Went on lam with her neighbour Ruth Powers. Commissioned to paint a portrait of Mr Burns. Had a brief spell in jail for shop-lifting. Had a fear of flying before being cured by Dr Zweig.

Simpson, Mona (Mrs)

Married to Abe Simpson and mother of Homer. Intelligent. Left Grampa when Homer was small because the police were chasing her after she was part of a group who broke into Burns' gram warfare lab. Lived with hippies for most of her life.

Sinclair, Llewellyn (Mr)

Flamboyant director of theatrical productions at Springfield Community Centre. Successes include "Hats off to Chanukah" and "Oh! Streetcar!" Likes amaretto.

Skinner, Agnes (Mrs)

Principal Skinner's mother. She won't let him do anything. Always fights with her son over inflatable bath pillows.

Skinner, Seymour (Principal)

The principal at Bart's and Lisa's school. Fought in Vietnam as a Sergeant, was shot in the back by his own troops and was imprisoned as prisoner 24601 for two years in a Viet Cong internment centre. Is actually called Armin Tamzarian, but took his Vietnam sergeant's name, after the officer went missing in action, to give himself a better life. Once a member of the barbershop quartet, the "Be Sharps". Lives at home with his mother, and always fights with her over inflatable bath pillows. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Almost married Patty Bouvier.


One of the Seven Duffs.

Smiling Joe Fission

Public relations film character for Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Smithers, Waylon (Mr)

Mr Burns' assistant at the power plant and at home. Probably the other way inclined. Has the world's largest collection of Malibu Stacy dolls. Helps Mr Burns do everything. Placed a sponge on Mr Burns' forehead and almost killed him as he sunk under the water. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters.

Snake (Turkey, Chester)

He always robs, trashes or takes away the Kwik-e-Mart store. At all other times he is in jail. Friends with Otto the bus driver. Member of the Police bowling league team until he escaped from Wiggum.


The Simpsons' original cat. Was run over by the mayor's brother.

Snowball II

The Simpsons' second cat, after the first was run over.

Snyder (Judge)

The no-nonsense judge in Springfield. Dislikes Lionel Hutz as the lawyer once repeatedly ran over his son. Participated in "The Simpsons Family Smile-Time Variety Hour".

Spotty teenager

Teenager with spots who works anywhere for a bit of cash. Has a squeaky 'breaking' voice and red hair. Always manages to mess things up.

Springfield Cat Burgler, The

See Malloy

Springfield, Jebediah Obediah Zachariah Jebediah (Mr)

Springfield's town founder. Had an argument with companion Shelby resulting in Shelbyville being founded. Was actually a murderous silver tongued pirate called Hans Sprungfeld.

Stacy (Malibu)

See Malibu Stacy


The elephant Bart won on a radio contest. Later sold to a safari park. Helped Krusty to regain his flagging audiences.

Stanky, Samantha (Miss)

Girl at Springfield's Catholic School who briefly attended Springfield Elementary. Once in love with Milhouse.

Stu (Disco)

See Disco Stu


Socialite at the Springfield Country Club.

Sunday School Teacher

The sunday school teacher at Rev Lovejoy's First Church of Springfield. Has long brownm hair tied back with a pink band. She banned Bart for bad behaviour, which suited both of them until Jessica Lovejoy arrived on the scene.


One of the Seven Duffs.

Sweet, Lucius (Mr)

Boxing manager and promoter. Don King lookalike. Once managed Moe. Manages Tatum. Seen at Krusty's funeral.

Szyslak, Moe (Mr)

Owns the bar Homer goes to and is Homer's friend. Has Italian and Russian origins. Loved Marge Simpson once. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Member of the Pin Pals bowling league team. Once a pro boxer known as "Kid Gorgeous".

Tamzarian, Armin (Mr)

Street punk from Capital City. Now known as Seymour Skinner

Tattoo Parlour Guy

Wears a blue t-shirt, red bandana and shades. Gave Bart a "mother" tattoo and is seen giving Kent Brockman a tatto on the "Eye On Springfield" credits.

Tatum, Drederick (aka Mr Armageddon)

Pro-boxer who was jailed for pushing his mother down the stairs. Fought Homer Simpson.

Taylor, Allison (Miss)

Gril in Lisa's class who is just as clever and can play the saxophane too. After an inital rivalry, the two girls are now friends.

Tenille, (Captain)

Navy submarine captain who believed that Homer was competent.


One of Bart's classmates. Twin with Sherri. Father works at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.

Terwilliger, Cecil (Mr)

Younger brother of Bob. Wanted to be Krusty's sidekick until Bob accidentally got the role. Bitter about this. Worked at Springfield dam and tried to flood Springfield.

Terwilliger, Robert Underdunk (AKA Sideshow Bob)

Was Krusty's partner on TV until he set him up and Bart uncovered the plot. Also tried to kill Bart's aunt Selma and Bart himself. Succeeded in becoming mayor, but was pushed out quickly. Escaped from the minimum security prison after his mayoral attempt and tried to abolish TV by using a nuclear device. Foiled by Bart and Lisa yet again. Foiled his brother Cecil's attempt to flood Springfield. Regularily in prison.


Springfield Nuclear Power Plant worker who is used as Homer's scapegoat.

Tifton, Shawna (Miss)

Known as "Princess Kashmir", "April Flowers" and "Queen of the Mysterious East". Belly dancer who is always at interesting places. Had her picture taken with Homer at a works party, which got the Simpson into trouble. Fan dances at the Maison Derriere.

Tightlips, Johnny (Mr)

One of Fat Tony's mobsters. Always says he didn't see anything, or that he doesn't know, even when it's Fat Tony asking.


One of the Seven Duffs.

Turkey, Chester (Mr)

See Snake


German exchange student at Springfield Elementary. Loves to eat. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team.

van Horne, Melvin (Mr)

Krusty's most recent partner on TV. Was introduced after Sideshow Bob was jailed. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Likes to do a bit of sleuthing - helping to solve the Burns case.

van Houten, Kirk (Mr)

Milhouse's dad. Once the Simpsons' next door neighbour. Wears same sort of red specs as Milhouse and is bald. Divorced. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Worked at the Southern Cracker Factory.

van Houten, Louanne (Mrs)

Bart's friend Milhouse's mother. Once the Simpsons' next door neighbour. Disapproves of Bart. Wears red glasses like Milhouse. Divorced and now seeing the American gladiator, Chase. A member of the volunteer fire brigade. Was born in Shelbyville.

van Houten, Milhouse

One of Bart's friends and probably his best one. Was briefly in joint ownership of the first ever Radioactive Man comic and later, played Fallout Boy in the Radioactive Man film which was never completed after he ran away. Was part of Bart's plan to return Springfield's lemon tree from Shelbyville. Was a member of the Kwik-E-Mart Gougers pee-wee hockey team. His first love was Samantha Stanky, but he has also always liked Lisa. Homer Simpson thinks he's a weiner.

van Houten, Nana

Mother of Kirk van Houten.

Very Tall Man

Talk Springfield resident who is famous for driving a small VW Beetle. Made Nelson Muntz walk down the road with his trousers down.


Well built saver of ill animals. Looks like Ben Casey. Saved Santa's Little Helper.

Vittorio, (Don)

Greater Springfield mafia head. An old Italian stereotype. Fat Tony's boss.


Junior Camper classmate of Bart.


See Borton, Wendell

Whitney, Alex (Miss)

Student in Lisa's class who acts more grown up than all the other kids.

Wiggum, Clancy (Chief)

Police chief of Springfield. Married to Sara Wiggum and the is the father of Ralph. Loves Donuts. Fat. Star in the TV programme "Bad Cops". A member of the volunteer fire brigade. Was an original "Be Sharp", but was dropped in favour of Barney Gumble, before they were famous. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Ran the Mighty Pigs pee-wee hockey team. Member of the Police bowling league team.

Wiggum, Ralph

One of Lisa's classmates. Has a crush on Lisa. Son of Chief Wiggum and Sara Wiggum. Not very bright and fat.

Wiggum, Sara (Mrs)

Married to Chief Wiggum and mother of Ralph.

William (Mr) AKA Groundskeeper Willie

The school caretaker. A Scotsman with a love for his tractor "Agnus". Does not like Principal Skinner. Was a member of the Springfield Stonecutters. Member of the Stereotypes bowling league team.

Winfield, Sylvia (Mrs)

Neighbour of the Simpsons. Thought that Santa's Little Helper was out of control. Moved to Florida with her husband.

Winthrop, Emily (Ms)

British owner of Emily Winthrop's Canine College. Managed to train Santa's Little Helper.

Wolfcastle, Rainier (Mr)

Arnold Schwartzneggar type of actor. Star of the "McBain" film series and of the 1990s "Radioactive Man" feature film. Known to be a member of the inner circle of Springfield's Republican Party who elected Bob Terwilliger to be mayor.

Wolfe (Dr)

Dentist who doesn't like his surgery (Painless Dentistry formerly Painful Dentistry) turned into a "house of lies". Gave Lisa her braces.

Woman in Pink

An often seen Springfield resident who wears a top, short skirt, high heels and hairband, all in different shades of pink.

Ziff, Artie (Mr)

Marge's bushy-haired prom date at high school. Became exceedingly rich after Marge chose to marry Homer.


Temporary employee at the Spinrgfield Nuclear Power Plant. Was an illegal alien.

Zweig (Dr)

Psychoanalyst. Cured Marge of her fear of flying.

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