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Hello everybody

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Hello everybody. Thank you for guesting in this happy forum.

My name is Jack and I have a wife (Johanna) and a son, Micky. He is seven years old.

Yesterday happened a very strange thing.

Johanna told me that my son, Micky, is not my son because an utent of this happy forum named BESILENTALITTLE (Ziccimbou, I think) made her pregnant. He is the real father of Micky.

It appened when BESILENTALITTLE, when he had the bird in action and not mosciow as now, and also spopolated between the girls, went to London and made Johanna drunk.

Please contact BESILENTALITTLE as soon as possible, for the riconosciment and the manteniment of Micky.

Thank you very mouch and Fourcia Ferei.

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:D:D:D:D ..scusate se mi intrometto ma è un quarto d'ora che rido ....aldilà della simpatia per la vostra squadra questo è uno dei motivi per cui ogni tanto mi faccio una capatina su sto forum ....

BESILENTALITTLE ....è genio puro

un salutone

Modificato da vecchio lupo

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Hi. do you know scourgehorses? He is a new guys in this forum like you.


But also you can meet in london Upside down or the low. They are two good guys.



But the best in this forum is woodpeckerweightus

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Hello everybody. Thank you for guesting in this happy forum.

My name is Jack and I have a wife (Johanna) and a son, Micky. He is seven years old.

Yesterday happened a very strange thing.

Johanna told me that my son, Micky, is not my son because an utent of this happy forum named BESILENTALITTLE (Ziccimbou, I think) made her pregnant. He is the real father of Micky.

It appened when BESILENTALITTLE, when he had the bird in action and not mosciow as now, and also spopolated between the girls, went to London and made Johanna drunk.

Please contact BESILENTALITTLE as soon as possible, for the riconosciment and the manteniment of Micky.

Thank you very mouch and Fourcia Ferei.






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